Try Being an Intrapraneur

Want to Change the World? Maybe Try Being an Intrapraneur By Phil La Duke (Safety Iconoclast)

A growing number of young people are eschewing university studies in favor of pursuing a career as an entrepreneur. It’s hard to argue with the decision to avoid crushing student loan debt in pursuit of an education that often leaves graduates with poor employment prospects and little career direction. Continue reading

Code Tricks Worth Sharing

I felt like sharing a couple code tricks I have learned over the years. These may or may not work on your g-code machines.By John Thomas

1) A macro type program jump, without macros.

M99P____ (what ever N number you want to jump to.)

I have used this to change tool running sequence when troubleshooting a process. Once I had the tool order producing a good part I would resequence the code in a text editor. This saves time when you want to try different tool sequences, especially when you communications device is being used by another operator. Continue reading